β€œSolar panels are expensive to install and will only last a few years before needing replacement”. Statements like this are very common as solar is not something that everyone is familiar with. Today, we would be taking on some of the most common myths and misconceptions about solar energy to help you better understand how it works.


Β β€œSolar panels are very expensive”

While that may be true 10 years back, today, with the advancement in solar panel technology, solar energy is now cheaper than traditionally used methods of producing electricity such as coal, petroleum, even hydro power. Along with being cheaper, they are also many times cleaner.

For comparison –

Average cost of unit of electricity generated from solar = INR 4

Average cost of unit of electricity = INR 6 to INR 9 (depending on your location and usage)

That said, we acknowledge that upfront costs for solar panel systems can be substantial in some cases. To help alleviate that concern, Government of India has been providing subsidy to homeowners to help you reduce initial cost and shorten your payback period.Β  We at SolarSphereΒ also provide easy payments options to you to help spread out the installation cost.


β€œNo Sunlight = No Electricity”

This is one of the most common solar energy myths and is completely incorrect!

Solar panels continue to generate electricity using the light during the day, even when there is no direct sunlight. It will obviously be less than that when there is direct sunlight. India is a tropical country, and we don’t expect dark cloudy days for long periods.

Also, there are two main ways in which solar panels systems are installed – on-grid and off-grid.

On-grid solar panels remain connected to the electricity grid. This means that, when there is sunlight, your home will first consume the solar energy generated by your system for power, and automatically draw electricity from the grid if your energy consumption exceeds what is generated. Similarly at night, when your system is not generating energy, your house will tap on power from the grid just like it currently does and you’ll not experience any electrical outages. The end result? You pay a lot lesser for your electricity since you consume much less from the grid.

Off-grid solar panels are those which store the excess electricity generated in a battery backup. Typically battery backups are sufficient for 2 to 3 days, even if there is no generation.


β€œA solar panel system doesn’t generate much energy”

Solar panel technology has improved significantly over the years. With this, the energy conversion efficiency of solar panels has also gotten much better.

The current technology, which uses monocrystalline solar panels β€” one of the most popular types of solar panel β€” now boasts of an impressive 22% energy conversion efficiency. Such technological advancements have meant that energy generated by solar panel systems can often greatly reduce electricity bills or even generate excess energy that can be sold for profit!


β€œSolar panels don’t last long”

On the contrary, solar panels are highly durable, weatherproof and can last very long. Solar panels generally last at least 25 years. Most brands of solar panels in the market even provide a performance guarantee of up to 25 years.

This is very often more than enough to cover your payback period and allow you to profit from solar, with an average annual return on investment of 25-30% over its lifetime.

In India the payback period is typically 4 to 6 years –

For residential customers, government provides a subsidy to install solar panels system and therefore, the initial installation cost is recovered in 4-5 years. That means free electricity for the next 20+ years.

For commercial customers where there is no government subsidy, the payback period is 6 to 7 years. That means free electricity for your business needs for the next 18+ years

Check out SolarSphere’s detailed solar panel installation costs calculation for an idea on the payback period, and returns on your investment.


β€œSolar panels are costly to maintain”

Solar panels aren’t expensive or difficult to maintain. Solar panels often have up to 25-year warranty and solar inverters come with a 5-year to 12-year warranty. These warranties generally help to negate any cost required for physical defect replacements for a large part of your solar panel system’s lifespan.

Solar panels are often tilted at an angle to allow β€œself-cleaning” when it rains, and maintenance is rarely needed. However, we do encourage solar system owners to clean the panels at regular intervals, depending on the dust near your home.

AtΒ SolarSphere, we encourage and help you do Solar Panel Cleaning & Maintenance the right way. Please feel free to contact us for any further questions or support.


β€œInstalling solar panels is only for people who care about the environment”

Not at all! Preserving the environment is definitely a strong and important reason for installing a solar panel setup for your home. That said, solar energy is not only for environmentalists!

A solar panel system is a worthwhile financial investment that can help you

  • Significantly reduce your monthly utility bills
  • Protect you from rising electricity prices.
  • Has a payback period of 4 to 6 years
  • Has a Return on Investment (ROI) of 25 to 30%

Let these strong financial incentives be the reason for you to switch to solar, if not the environment alone.

AtΒ SolarSphere, we help people throughout their solar journey – be it for electricity generation, or solar appliances.Β Connect with usΒ today to start yours !